Thane Library
I got a skateboard for a birthday present at 12 and I rode it almost every day yet I could barely ollie, it was more fun than walking. At 16 I got a longboard, a cheap Globe prowler. I learned how to power slide on it in a week and discovered a skate shop about 10 minutes down the road from my house. I became close with the shop owner and later began hosting longboarding events in my area. which happened to have plenty of interesting spots to skate that allowed me to develop my skills and fuelled my passion. By the time I was 19, I didn’t have a board at all. Going back to walking everywhere, my life felt like it slowed to a dull crawl. I met my fiancĂ© and she discovered my skater past. She also wanted to learn how to ride a longboard. I bought a used board of from old friend and we’ve been known as the longboarding couple ever since.
The board graphic is my brand “Thane Library”, the question mark-shaped, tuck logo, and the words "Presenting Old School Night Shred". It advertises a gathering of skaters every Wednesday night to ride together across the garages and streets of Toronto.
My inspiration came from a Toronto Board Meeting where I realized that while there is this grand yearly celebration bringing together people from across the Earth to ride together, there are still longboarders (beginners and experienced riders) who don’t have any knowledge about these events. With my brand, I hope to grow the community and promote a positive image for skaters.
On this board, I used a dark border with gold specks on a wood background to have more of a mature feel, and to suggest night time. The main focus of the graphic is my the text, inviting riders to this long standing skate community event. I used hardwood maple for this deck so it is strong, yet easily shaped and simple to work with. Using maple alone felt primitive though. Using the Roarockit kit, building a basic board is something that anyone can pick up. I look forward to advancing my ability and knowledge in board design and construction.