I'm 16 years old and have been skating for about three years. I have been at OSF for about two months. I'm having a good experience and have made some cool things. This was my first board at OSF and I am pretty happy on how it turned out.
I made this graphic because of my local skatepark "Vanderhoof". I chose to use my local skatepark because I have spent so much time there it's basically my second home. My biggest inspiration was my brother. My brother inspired me by pushing me to skate and telling me to do a trick that seemed way to beyond my level. If it weren't for my brother I might not even be skating at all. If I didn't skate I probably wouldn't be going to OSF.
My graphic is simple and has contrast. I also made the letters dripping so it wouldn't be normal text. I used white on black because I didn't see it in any other colour schemes. The horseshoes relate to my brand called Hoof Life and I liked the look of them. I made them upside-down because that means they are unlucky, and I couldn't see them being the symbol for good luck because skateboarding isn't about being lucky...and it looks more badass!
I think the main idea I'm trying to tell people with my brand is that "Hoof" is the best skatepark... ever!