I recently joined Oasis Skateboard Factory and this is the first deck I’ve made. It says TPC. My inspiration was a friend’s graffiti crew; I made this deck for him to put on his wall. The materials I used were wood, wood stain, black spray-paint and satin varnish.
I used the taping technique to create my image by taping off all the parts I did not want paint to touch while I was stencilling. The principles of design I used were balance and contrast. I only used black paint and let the colour of the wood make up the lettering. I stained the maple wood with a dark mahogany water-based wood stain. I’m not really trying to communicate anything in particular, I just wanted to make a simple graphic with bold lettering and a little bit of added detail.
I really enjoyed building and designing my first deck and can’t wait to make my next one. I’m going to remember to make sure my graphic is lined up straight next time (even though it is hard to tell, it was a tad crooked and it kind of bugged me). I am hoping to do a hand-painted deck next time. I’d like to do something that feels a little more organic. I’d also like to use a little more colour.