I am a new student to OSF so this is my first skateboard. I have been to many different schools but this is so far the best. Who wouldn’t want to combine school with street art and building skateboards?
The theme behind my board is my family. The bluebirds represent me, and my mom and her boyfriend because we stick together even when we’re far apart like bluebirds. The purple iris represent the flowers that my mother has loved all my life. My inspiration for this board came from my mother.
When making my board, I used sanding belts and different levels of sandpaper in order to shape it. When it came to pictures and colours, I used handmade stencils along with spray paint, as well as hand painting some of the finer details. I think my board has a good outward presentation due to the rhythm and flow with the placement of the birds; repetition was also used on the flowers to make good use of the space around the board. I think the message I’m trying to communicate is one that only me or my mom would understand due to the fact that the board was made to represent my family.
After completing my first skateboard and looking it over I noticed things I like and things I could’ve changed. When it came to the stencils and lines I found that I could’ve took more of an artistic approach instead of just quickly drawing and cutting out pictures. A technique I used on my board that I liked was the staining that made the wood look different. I feel that it gives more of a handmade feel.
All in all I had a great time making this board. I’m happy with how it turned out and the time that was spent making it was all worth it (I’m sure my mother will feel the same way).