I’ve been attending the Oasis Skateboard Factory for a year and a half and I just produced my first custom board. The board is more focused on the shape because I carved my own completely original mould rather than the graphic itself. The graphic is only two lines: the purple one is in the centre with a thinner white one slightly to the side. I feel this gave it a classic kind of surfboard look. A board I saw at Roarockit called the Chubby Racer was my inspiration for this deck.
I used a number of materials on this board: three different sandpapers, a sanding belt, sand tipped drill bit, a Styrofoam mould, vacuum press, spray paint, seven plies of Canadian maple, and wood sealer. I like this board. I spent a lot of time and effort shaping it and making the wheel wells (it took an entire day to do these alone!).
I am proud of this board. It’s the only one of the eight boards I have produced here so far at the factory that I plan on riding and I can’t wait. I am graduating this semester but I hope I can stay connected to this program. It’s a great place full of creative people I am also applying for a grant to continue the company I started while in the program. Good luck to all future students and try and take advantage of the program.