1.(Top Photo) I’m 16 and I live in Scarborough. I changed schools and started this program halfway through second semester to get a head start on next year.
This board was based on my way of life, keeping the peace wherever I go. If we all did that the world would be a better place.
I wanted to incorporate the peace symbol somewhere in my deck for obvious reasons.
I thought of this idea from looking at some graffiti in the streets. The rough drawing turned out well so the next step was making the board. The actual making of the board took a while because of all the different layers of paint and stencilling, but it was worth it when I saw the end product. I think this is probably my favourite deck I’ve had and the best part is I made it myself.
2.(Bottom Photo) This is the fifth deck I have made at the OSF, and I definitely had a lot of fun doing this board. This being my second personal deck, I had a hard time deciding what image I would put on this board and I thought that making a board for my girlfriend would be cool. I designed the board with an exaggerated cartoon of my girlfriend with her nick name. I kind of prefer using cartoon images because it’s just kind of my style: Anime, Saturday morning cartoons, bold and bright colours. I used pink because pink is her favourite colour.
One of the problems I ran into was the constant bleeding of the spray paint under the stencils. Even though I used spray adhesive to keep my stencils down, I keep having that problem. Maybe I just had the OSF curse (bad spraying luck). Next time I’m going to take it slow and take my time, because now I’m working on two sponsor decks for a client that can’t have mistakes because they’re paying for it.
In the end I managed to finish the deck, and my girlfriend was really excited about her new gift (even though I’ll make sure I’ll do a better job next time).